GFS is a place of friendship and belonging where God's love is shared

GFS World

Girls Friendly Society (known as GFS in many parts of the world)

Is a worldwide organisation within the Anglican Communion. We provide ministries in a safe and accepting environment where Christ’s love is evident and the Gospel is proclaimed. Initially formed for women and girls, today there is a growing male membership in some countries. GFS offers programs for evangelism, support, empowerment, education and encouragement, sometimes in partnership with both secular and sacred organisations. 
Membership in some countries is now open to male as well as female.  In many countries there is a strong link with Mothers Union and link organisations within the Anglican Communion. The World body is governed by a set of guidelines with each GFS country operating under their own constitution/rules but adhering to the basic purpose of bringing others to Christ and service to others through the various programs offered. The world body meets every three years in the country of the World President, where delegates from each GFS country (and observers) meet together to review and share their work. 
A World Project/s is chosen for the coming three years, concentrating on growing and strengthening GFS in developing countries, with particular emphasis on programs for young women and children. Sri Lanka is where the next World Council was due to meet in 2026. To keep up with all the World GFS News please visit the GFS Worldwide website by clicking here.


At the 2023 World Council in South Africa, Jeanne Withanage was commissioned as our next GFS World President.  Jeanne and her team are already hard at work setting in place her theme for the coming term.  You will find below a short presentation of the theme and also the goals she has for her term.  

“As we begin our journey together, let us remember that the GFS is not just an organization but a Ministry inspired by God and motivated by shared passion and a collective vision. Previous achievements and contributions have laid a strong foundation and we have the potential to achieve even greater heights.”  From Jeanne in August 2023


Each year a GFS World Country takes turns to produce the GFS World Day of Prayer on or around the 29th of September.  

Traditionally the offertory from the WDOP is given to the current World Project.

If you wish or deposit your donation into the GFS World Project Account directly , please use the account below with your name as the reference:

ANZ Bank  BSB 016 494 Account number 185762641
Please note this is the direct account for the World Project NOT the GFS Australia general account


The World Project for 2023-2026 is in The Democratic Republic of Congo.

The proposal and outline of the project can be downloaded here:

This is where the money from the GFS World Day of Prayer will be donated for the next 3 years.